Saturday, June 27, 2009

my last post at my "former" office =))

yeayyy!!!finally, its over yo! sgt *damn* happy =) words cannot describe bout my feeling now...well anyway something to jot down bout pelangi@i&p jb, the pros n the cons;

yang best:

1. minum pagi dgn petang disediakan (minum je, beskot snirik la weyh!) ;p

2. dlu ade subsidi utk lunch, kne bli kupon 2henget setengah je, tp dh xde sejak dh merge dgn i&p...last dpt subsidi bln 4, pastu aku ni plak kalo bli kupon bli tros 10 (konon2 utk 2 minggu, tamak tol) skali dh nk abes tarikh last cafe aku meragau nak abeskn kupon, seb bek yana dgn kak so ada. diorg la yg tlg abeskn kupon aku yg bnyk gilos!

3. unlimited office email. slalu office email kn limit receive or send doc max 5mb tp aku unlimited. unlimited storage ni sbb post n dept aku kire kritikal ar, bnyk brg penting n berat2, aku tu mende yg best gile ar, sbb korg nk hntr aku email 84mb sekalipn aku bley trime, muahahah...jakon seyh!tp seyes pd aku tu sesuatu yg BEST!

4. aku ade 2 pc, satu utk wat photoshop satu utk cad dgn email, tp due2 ade internet connection + skype yg aku dpt gune sesukati semasa boring wat keje, keji kan? har har dlm keji tu aku bg sape2 yg xde intenet connection gune pc aku, ehiii *angel*

5. aku ske gile keje kt level 7 ni sbb layout die best, kire luas dan selesa ar. stok bley men tolak kosi dgn member2 smp lebam! nk men kejo2 pn bley beb!

6. keje kt sini dapat park free kat plaza pelangi...plaza xde mende sgt, yg kire "ok" MJ je kot...time sale ar aku paling ske, nk masuk 100x pn free, muahahah...kalo boring dgn keje ley ar release tensen g plaza, kire best la!

7. aku dpt bos yg best! en razak sgt soft spoken orgnye, tp bos kecik aku, en arry "menyakitkn jantung" sket. even "menyakitkn jantung" tp aku ske sbb aku mst ley wat keje laju2 kalo time die kelam kabut nk mtk sesuatu. so dats mean aku ni bley ar wat keje cpt cume malas je lebey, huk huk

yang xbest:

1. anjing peliharaan rumah dpn bangunan pelangi ni berkeliaran waktu petang, kadang2 pagi pn...penah satu ptg time aku nk balik ade 2 ekor hanjeng dok dpn keta aku, satu kt dpn sekor lg kt tmpt nk bukak pintu drive, pehhhhh!!!cuak gak ar kan. dh la time tu dh nak magrib, aku pn men cak2 ar dgn anjeng tu, tgu line clear baru aku g kt keta aku...pastu last wednesday time smp opis pagi, aku hon la anjeng yg dok berehat kt tgh jln. aku hon sbb nk soh die ketepi la kn, kang aku langgar ekor die sesie je meraung anjeng tu...skali die bley folo aku smp tmpt aku nk park keta, last2 aku park kt tmpt len, cuak gile kalo die mengapa2kn aku...*aku.penakut*

2. ade "certain2" org yg aku rasa xproduktif langsung...layan tenet (sume org lyn tenet tp dan2 la weyh!), selamber je bergayut xkire bos lalu ke ape, dok borak2 yg sometime pd aku xperlu la sgt, tp tu nk elaborate, lu pk la snirik!

3. appreciation. aku rasa mcm xdihargai sgt la, maybe aku kurang sabar as wat en arry said tp dh 10bln, xkan la xde increment?well org ckp mayb blm rezeki tp aku rase xbest! sbb economy downturn sume increment dgn promotion freeze, sedeyyy wooo!sbb aku mmg target gile2 babeng nk achieve target aku dlm setahun tp apekan daye...anggap je la bukan rezeki aku kan?

xde idea dah...nnt kalo ade aku tulis lg, hehe...anyway, to all who knows me n work wif me at i&p jb, take care and all the best!

adios pelangi!

*smlm dpt slip gaji je tp duit xde dlm bank, kne tahan sbb ade technical prob...gaji aku yang sikit patut tambah earnings bnyk la sket kn, ni bley yg part earnings pn die deduct, shiakkk ar! seb bek en hisham "menyejukkan mate" bukan hati aku yg sejuk, hahaha

Friday, June 26, 2009

waaaaaaaaaa!~im broke!

damn!have to wait until 7th july to receive my salary for month of may...arghhh!

im broke already ;(

my last day was hectic and i am SOoOo super-duper LAZY!~im so disgusting wif myself!

early this morning, about 7am, i was watching MHI tv3 and i was so shocked when wardina saffiya read an articles about the death of our legendary king of pop, michael jackson. at first i am not convincing with the news but when news confirm about the death, then i realize...well he had influence alot for so many people out there...i heard his song played all around radio chanel...well thats human, we appreciate those people when they are dead, as an example, sudirman juz received title dato' from Sultan Pahang this year eventhough he had left us for 17 years...

that's life...

anyway, i love this song

Michael Jackson
Heal The World

Thursday, June 25, 2009

pening kepala hots aku!

aku tensen bkn sbb keje xsiap tp sbb xmakan lg disebabkn keje yg bnyk. ape aku merepeks ni? ah, lantak ar!take a break la emi, mkn nasi guringan pataya tapu lunch td. arghhh!

land dept xsiap lg, plannin dept xsiap. ni yg rase nk je jerit

"aku bkn keje utk 2 dept la weyhhh!"

makin nk berhenti makin bnyk keje yg dtg, grrrrr

ptg smlm dlm kol 5 kak nani bg another task to finish b4 i leave, prepare materials for taman pelangi indah phase 8c2 presantation based on i&p kl format...tghr smlm lak en arry soh siapkn route map visit utk Tun Ahmad Sarji, Dato J, Dato R dan director2 yg nk dtg 7 julai ni...walaweyhhh!aku nk benti keje ade je obstacles...7 julai pny visit aku kne wat gak padahal aku esk last,fuh!sabo2...xpe la anggap je la amal jariah, mak slalu ckp camtu kt aku so...i follow ;p

mari kite lihat list keje aku, ape yg dh settle ape yg blm;
1. tnb location (tgl perling dgn rinting pastu kne jpeg)- SIAP!
2. key plan pelangi & perling (edit font), rinting & tpi (color+edit font)- TAK SENTUH LAGI
3. jpeg all land bank- ALMOST THERE
4. save keje dlm pendrive utk kak nani
5. update presentation board- TAK AMIK BOARD KT MEETING ROOM LG, ADOYAI
6. update checklist perspektif fizie- KNE RECHECK BALIK
7. call ted focus architect dgn ali dc architect mtk color plan as per ammendment- TED FOCUS JE BLM CALL
8. edit land bank utk norly- ON THE WAY
9. burn works into cd (as a backup) sbb desktop aku dh 2 kali kne format...sedeyyy ;(
10. perling full township dgn by details (perling lagi, *B I G S I G H*)- YG NI MCM MALAS NK WAT, muahahah.siot!
11. yg paling penting skali...LIST OF HAND OVER N PERSON IN CHARGE- TAK STAT PON LG, selamberrr!

kesimpulannye, selagi celik mate, koje koje koje je la yek...

aku tepek sket la pic super duper big bos aku masa Minggu Amanah Saham Malaysia (MSAM) 2009 kt jb bln 4 aritew. enjoy!
***Tun Ahmad Sarji dgn abg aizan

***ucapan Tun

***Opening Ceremony, april 20, 2009

***abg zack dgn abg talib bergambar bersama board top management I&P Group Sdn Bhd

***left: abg zack (muke separuh), abg talib, rafiq (nmpk muke pn jd la dik oi ;p ), abg aizan, johor police chief datuk Mokhtar and former Pelangi Bhd ceo, Hj Azmar

(pics credit to abg suhaimi)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

mim alip lam sin.

duh! wut epen to me today? only 2 days left and i still din finish my task as schedule...arghhh!


jadi macam cipanzi kt pic ats tu lagi bagus.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

aku rase...xtau nak rase ape...macam2 ada!~

siot ar!bile wat layout taman perling ni mst aku rase camni...mcm nk maki2 !@#$%^&*()_+~ xbaik kan?tp sakit ati wooo kalo korg pn ada kt tmpt aku...malas nk cite panjang2, xbaik mengata tp juz nk gak ah ckp sikit2...

apesal ar amik mudah sgt mende2 yg penting nih ek? aku mmg hangin tol kalo bab2 keje amik mudah ni...boley kalo nk amik mudah something, or nk wat shortcut, tp kne la ikut step by step gak...kalo org ckp jgn wat camtu maksudnye musti la ada sebab kan...sebab xnk menyusahkan org lain, sebab utk kesenangan diri sendiri dan rakan2 dan bos jugek! please la weyhhh! nk short cut kalo ko bnyk keje boley maap la kan, ni ko dok goyang kaki, main intenet sepanjang masa, dok termenung xtentu hala...tu mmg sori la aku nk maapkn!huh...geram weyhhh org camni! kalo men intenet keje siap xpe, aku dh siap 6 ko satu pn xsiap lg, ape cer?

hurmmm...dah nk kenang balik kisah lama ni...aku tgh pk camne last day nnt ar, kne mtk maaf ke kt org yg menyakitkn ati aku ni? aku pn salah gak, mengata blkg2 nih, hehe...jahat seyhhh aku ;p xpe la, insyaallah mtk maap la jumaat nih, hehe...

uiksss!arini pecah rekod, x g tandas lg...dh kol 5 weyhhh!gile ah!jap lg pegi ar, huhu...

new updates-
en razak kol, die ckp dato R xbg benti, wuttt???bia betiks weyhhh!!!gurau ke hape???esk kne tny nih...

bnyk gile gak ah keje xsiap weyhhh!!!yg paling penting, handover list gile nk wat!fuh...jgn malas pls! esk kne siapkn
1. tnb location (tgl perling dgn rinting pastu kne jpeg)
2. key plan pelangi & perling (edit font), rinting & tpi (color+edit font)
3. jpeg all land bank
4. save keje dlm pendrive utk kak nani
5. update presentation board
6. update checklist perspektif fizie
7. call ted focus architect dgn ali dc architect mtk color plan as per ammendment
8. edit land bank utk norly
9. burn works into cd (as a backup) sbb desktop aku dh 2 kali kne format...sedeyyy ;(
10. perling full township dgn by details (perling lagi, *B I G S I G H*)
11. yg paling penting skali...LIST OF HAND OVER N PERSON IN CHARGE
wawawa...bnyknye keje weyhhh!!!

dah la, papai!
***bumbelbee fav encik A ;p

***arini previu transformers, missing him la dude!sms kt encik A td ajk g midnyte, haha...die reply lak tu, happynye!!!happy sbb die slalu time opis hour xde makne nk layan sms ke kol aku, huhu...even jwpn die negative tp ttp happy gak, hahaha

Monday, June 22, 2009

kesangapan di ofis~

adoi!ngantok gile beb arini!rase nk tdo lps hantar faiz skolah balik tgk mak baring dpn tv, mak cuti aku pn amik kesempatan tdo jap dr kol 7.45 smp kol 8, hehe...padahal xberapa nk tdo sgt la, caittt!

smp opis 8.27pg, ngantok gile weyhhh!camne ar ek nnt kalo aku keje ni, time keje pelangi@i&p ni kire bley handle lg ar sbb ofis besar, kalo ngantok aku ley jalan2 g tmpt yana, kak so, kak nani ke, en arry ke, xpn g surau, huhu...dlu time memule keje time ngantok aku tdo kt surau espeseli lps solat zuhur tu tp lpstu dh xbuat dah...sbb mst kalo dh jalan2 or g tandas mst dh rase segar sgt...boley dikatekn pnjg gak ar opis aku ni nk dibandingkn dgn firm akitek yg aku pnh keje or practical...

en arry lak ptg xmsk, pg td die ckp xsehat sgt...dh la die dok sblh aku time wat keje...pastu en arry start ar cite psl aku, sengal!aku xigt sgt pasal ape tp rase pasal aku nk benti la ni...aku ckp aku kurang sabar n xley setia dgn sesuatu company lame2 sgt mcm en arry dgn hj shaini...haji shaini dh lebih 35thn keje dgn pelangi, en arry dh 13thn keje dgn pelangipastu boley die balas,

"nilah pompuan, xsabar"...

sengal ar en arry, xbaik tau!saye setia tau cume kurenggg bersabo sket, hehe...xde la gurau je en arry...ampun maaf dipinta =) td kne amik pendrive dlm kete en arry, tak memasal kne seluk beg laptop die...bnyk gile barang dlm beg laptop die weyh!kalo ade cicak ke lipas ke nasib aku ler tu, seb bek xde, huhu...
***kete en jugek la kan! i love the color ;p

btw, im gonna miss all the moments here...

and saye rindu someone special ar arini ;p

Friday, June 19, 2009

my second last friday

pejam celik pejam celik tinggal lg seminggu je aku keje kt pelangi ni...patutnye selasa dpn aku last tp en arry mtk extend smp jumaat...annual leave 4hari yg aku xamik dgn 2 hari cuti replacement wesak dgn agong pn aku xsempat amik...agak2 company bayo x?hahaha...siot ar aku, mate duitan btol ;p

well bnyk gile kenangan kat sini...hurmmm...perasaan mcm2 ada...gembira...sedih...excited...kesian...macam2 la...

1. gumbira sebab finally aku akan jd arkitek semula...harap2 semua berjalan lancar la pasni mcm yg aku plan, aminnn...

2. sedih sbb keje kt sini best, yg xbest ade gak ar...nnt la mmg seyes keje sini senang jo...aku tgk org keliling pn mcm xde keje sgt je, siap boley men gem tu! ade yg selamber gile begayut padahal bos lalu lalang dpn die nih...peh kalo aku dh malu dan segan weyhhh!

3. excited sbb xsabar la nk kembali ke arena architecture ni (lebey kurang mcm gumbira gak ah ni)

4. kesian la pulak bile nk benti ni...sian wooo kt en arry n hj shaini...tula en arry, sape soh tak tlg sy fight bg increament n promotion cpt sket...kan dh kne freeze...padan muke aku la kesian kt diri sendiri dlu ar kan...

hurmmm...bnyk sgt la kt sini, macam2 ada...anyway weekend ni nk g dusun kt gelang patah n sambut father's day kt bawah pokok doyan la gamaknyer...

ok then, tata

h a p p y b i r t h d a y m o h d a z l a n s h a h

dear encik A,

happy 25th birthday, may Allah bless u n ur family and may all ur dream come true...

dedicate this song specially for u

Terlanjur Cinta

Waktu bergulir lambat merantai langkah perjalanan kita
Berjuta cerita terukir dalam menjadi sebuah dilema
Mengertikah engkau perasaanku tak terhapuskan

Malam menangis tetes embun basahi mata hatiku
Mencoba bertahan diatas puing-puing
Cinta yang telah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan tlah ku berikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

Aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
Apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karna sekali cinta aku tetap cinta

Mencoba bertahan diatas puing-puing
Cinta yang telah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan tlah ku berikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan
Kau pertanyakan cintaku

Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karna sekali cinta
Karna sekali cinta aku tetap cinta

Thursday, June 18, 2009


makin nk benti keje makin malas aku ni weyhhh! pagi ni je dh 3 post aku tulis, xwat keje ke weyhhh!!!

kerja. kerja. kerja. lalalala

***ape kaitan gambo ni dgn mls???adekah?...

nnt sambung la, daaa

Karena Wanita (Ingin Dimengerti) by Ada Band

Lekuk indah hadirkan pesona
Kemuliaan bagi yang memandang
Setiamu simbol keanggunan khas perawan
yang... kau miliki
Akulah pengagum ragamu
Tak ingin kumenyakitimu
Lindungi dari sengat dunia yang
mengancam... nodai... sucinya lahirmu


Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Manjakan dia... dengan kasih sayang
Ingin kuajak engkau menari
Bermandi hangat cahaya bulan
Sebagai tanda kebahagiaan
Bagi semesta cinta kita


Bintang terang itulah dirimu
Janganlah redup dan mati
Aku dibelakangmu memeluk dan menjagamu

my phone was silent until 6pm tho its not in silent mode

smlm aku perasan, time nk balik umh aku check hp aku skali tgk xde langsung missed call, call, n sms apetah lg mms, muahahhaha...aku igt hp aku xde betri rupenye mmg xde lngsg ape2 xtvt berkaitan hp smlm, haha...hp celcom aku dh memang sonyap jo la skrg sbb dh inactive pdhal expiry date die thn 2021...just because i did not reload, the teleco company block and make it as inactive, what the heck!

hey i just "ignore"my phone for a time being, and it does not mean that i want it to be "ignored" FOREVER ok? my family was a celcom user and that number will be the private number for family and close friends only, so why U (telco comp) inactivated the number without any notice? *sigh*

im getting tired with my "pinkie" sometimes make me terrible with its sudden-shut-down and it not happen only once a day but sometime more than 5 times a day...the most "horrible" was when i had an important conversation with someone and suddenly the conersation "silent" for a while, and when i check...demn!it turn off automatically. my other phone, "lovely purple", as i said was inactivated by celcom ~!@#$%^&*()_+.

maybe i should buy an iPhone la, hehe...if alan knows my intention, he will strongly disagree and mad at me like *tut*, hehe...anyway know i was listening to one of my fav song

L A G U K I T A - A I Z A T

cheers all!~

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

file hilang, xde backup, nk kne watpe ar?

perghhh!disebabkn bz aku lupe nk check kt external hardisk ofis ade x sume keje2 aku, skali bile check backup files yg kt desktop aku lupe nk save....waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! perspektif fizie wat ilang weyhhh! aku rasa ade dlm email tp xsure sume ada dak sbb dlu slalu die wat keje kt opis tros save dlm pc aku...wawawa...en arry tau mmg selamat ar aku, muahahahha...xnk pk ar, dh nk benti ni mcm2 hal ar *big sigh*

baru aku igt, bln ni mcm bnyk je kne byr credit card,....lg skali wawawa...

s a y e t a k t e n s i o n

so xnk tensen kne letak pic ni

+bz mode+

bz gile2 remaja arini...en arry nk layout undeveloped land combine dgn unsold unit b kol 12, gile! (sebenarnye xgile kalo aku xmen intenet, haha)

bz2 pn sempat men intenet smp lupe nk check email ofis, ceyh! kol 3 ptg br nk check email, apa cer???seb bek xde benda yg important, cume pasal license autocad...ekceli mende ni important gile sbb aku kne make sure autocad ni ada lesen b4 aku leave company, kalo tak camno diorg nk refer drawing nnt, ngeh2...

kak sohana tegur arini aku xkuar dari bilik, xjengah2 kawan diluar (sbb aku slalu sebelum or selepas g tandas mst lepak2 kt meja kak so dgn yana,hahaha)...and thats mean gak yg arini aku blm g tandas, agagaga...

ok la nk g tandas dlu, chow!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the bad and the good


hari selasa dimulakan dengan ujian yg aku dpt pg2 td, b4 g opis, around 8am...tyre flat!cis...tu satu hal!tp yg menyakitkan hati tu tempat yg sama...tayar belakang belah kiri...masuk kali ni dh 3 kali dh tayar wat so called "pancit"...waaaaaa!tensen weyh!kalo tayar kt tmpt len bley tahan lg, ni dh masuk kali ke 3...beratus gak ah duit melayang utk betulkan tayar tu balik...yang paling "BEST" tu, genap 2 bulan mst jd camni...

the 1st happen on 18th feb 2009, location-esso larkin (dekat dgn umah wan aku, seb bek..fuh)

time kene ni aku on the way nk balik umah lps keje, so xde menyirap sgt cume malu je la org tgk, but WTH! time tu dh nk dekat exam PTD so aku pn bace la buku malaysia kita (sanggup tu beli, dengar ckp encik A punye pasal, haha...) utk mengisi masa lapang...sangat!

yang kedua,

date-17th april 2009, location- unikl pasir gudang

time ni g unikl sbb ada open day, bawak kazen aku aikal n thiya yg br lps spm, mak pn ikot skali...time parking kete, adik aku naz sound tayar pancit, so aku pn angguk je la sbb dh nampak...cari la stesen minyak yg paling dekat, tapi yg paling "menjengkelkan" kt stesen myk tu adelah hose pam tu hilang, ade 2 pam, 1 pn xley gune...n guess what petro station it was...PETRONAS u ols!so this is the quality of our nation pride company...WTH! (staff petronas pls take note ok!) bkn marah cume nk bg cadangan je, ken kali kalo nk tukar ke ape ke tulis ar rosak ke hape, ni men biar je, mcm siot!

yg ketiga arini la... huh...

nak tukar tayar kne tgu abg balik weekend ni...matila aku kalo lg 2 bln tayar kete wat hal (ikut prediction bln puasa, bln 8, oh tidak!) mintak jauh la yek...

panjang gak aku tulis arini, padahal bnyk gile keje ni, keji btol kn?haha...

anyway, of cos la Allah nk uji kita mst ada sbb dia, ada hikmah disebaliknye, so ape yg penting???

KERJASAMA, hehehe...kesabaran...

the good news for today, i received acceptence letter from hr, yeayyy!my last day will be on 23rd june...hip2 horeyyy!

goodbye rainbow...

until then, take care all =)

Friday, June 12, 2009

its friday ya'olls!!

Ha, see how relaxed i am for a Friday! Blank screen at work and one shoe off already and it's not even luch time!

***and oh yes, another pose please =)

ps: see the caption on the mug


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

lapar dan boring lagi.

boring2 ni tdo syok woooO!

dh 2 hari bos g kl (en arry n en razak) so membuatkn aku sgt boring...ape kne mengena? haha...xde kne mengena langsung boring dan bos xde...oh btw, smlm bos sales called, mr andrew...igt nk soh prepare apa2 ke skali die bley ckp mende yg unexpected tp dh pnh dgr...lebey kurg camni ar die ckp

"instead of ur resignation, would u like to be transfer to kl (company aku hq kt kl) cos they have a vacancy in product development department"

aku jawab ; "thanx alot mr andrew 4 ur offer but i hv stick to my decision...tho before this en arry also gv the same offer to me before but i still can't accept it"

(original dialouge may have been fabricated)


moral of the story: time2 dah nak berhenti ni macam2 lak offer dtg...offer g kl tu mcm best TAPI... ntah tgu la lg 2 thn ke...bagi ar rilek2 dlu kt jb ni br merantau...lgpn kazen aku etty yg br blk dr us dh nk keje dgn petronas xlama lg, ngeh2...apekah?hehe...etty dh offer dok umah sewa skali dgn die kalo aku keje kl tapi tula...tgu aku dpt offer dr petronas mcm die br aku g kot?hahaha *berangan nk mati*

but who knows...aite?

owh, perutku pula semakin benyanyi lagu baby i will wait for u (lagu yg kt redio)...lapo weyh!~ nk makan beskot jacob ar

L A P A ! L A P A R !

***keje banyak tp perut yg lapo perlu diisi dulu, haha

Monday, June 8, 2009

b o r i n g

im physically n mentally sick "now"

monday is not a day for working, aite? n because of that i am not in a mood to do anything plus with the unhealthy condition (flu+dry cough) its kinda annoying to deal with others with background music (teribble cough!) have to call this-that watso ever, dats what i am supposed to do today...but because i am not in a mood, my boss have to do it himself *big-sigh* dunno what he's perspective towards me but this "sickness" is totally killing me today! i want my strenght back P.L.E.A.S.E!

***this is what exactly i need to do during this "horrible day"

d e m a m

lama gile xupdate, sbb bz n malas sket...dh nk seminggu demam (batuk n selsema xkurang sgt pn )...lps je majlis shb aku trus rasa xsehat, batuk2...panas gile la cuaca skrg, hehe (slhkn cuaca lak)...sabtu dgn ahd yg lps ni lg la trok, satu family demam...dh la bnyk gile majlis kawen smlm tp satu pn x g, dok terperap kt umah je...anyway, mls nk tulis pnjg2, ade bnyk gile keje...badan xsehat watkn produktiviti xberapa lancar dan cepat...huh...ok then, bye2...